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Information about the grave

The ossuary in the area of the cemetery in Mouřenec belongs to the advanced type of baroque ossuaries.
It was probably built during the 18th century.
A separate area of the chapel, originally with an altar, and a mural of the Crucifixion and the Purgatory allegory, is divided from the square floor plan of the ossuary.
The walls of the ossuary itself are decorated on the sides with medallions with a scene of a rich and a vain woman and with scenes of skeletons, probably from the wall cycle of the dance of death.
The space of the ossaria is divided by four wooden grids on brick plinths, between them there is a passage in the shape of an isosceles cross.
There are piles of human bones in the confined spaces, with no signs of intentional arrangement.
However, this is not the original state. It is probable that the bones were originally arranged regularly and only eventually collapsed.

Links to sources of further information

Historie mouřenecké kostnice - Přatelé Mouřence  CZ  DE

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Source: Facebook - German support association: Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen e. V.
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Source: Facebook - German support association: Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen e. V.
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 1912
Source: Facebook - German support association: Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen e. V.
Photos of the grave - Ossuary
Date of acquisition: 1974
Source: Bohemian Forest Museum in Passau
Comment: Ossuary