Grave number : 60

Show the location of the grave on the cemetery map

Last name Name, Other informations

Jeschek Johann, Rogau Nr. 11, (Velký Radkov)

Information about the grave

Edging of the grave : concrete / artificial stone
Pedestal of the cross : concrete / artificial stone
Cross : concrete / artificial stone
Inscription : glass plate on a tombstone

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 60
Date of acquisition: ~ 1990
Source: Facebook - German support association: Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen e. V.