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Svatý Mouřenec

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People from this village were buried in this cemetery.

German name:   Stepanitz
Czech name: Štěpanice


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Grave numberLast name Name, Other informations

14Weber Anna, † at the age of 87, Stepanitz Nr. 44, (Štěpanice)
29Jung Wenzel, Stepanitz Nr. 40 (Strobl), (Štěpanice) , * 16.05.1888, † 24.07.1917
31Neuburger Johann, Stepanitz Nr. 37, (Štěpanice) , * 19.12.1861, † 06.04.1927
34Weber Jakob, Stepanitz Nr. 42, (Štěpanice) , * 19.04.1851, † 21.01.1940
46Dürmeier Dürmeier, Stepanitz (Heisler), (Štěpanice) , * 17.06.1879, † 13.12.1936
48Stingl Martin, Stepanitz Nr. 37, (Štěpanice) , * 14.04.1859, † 23.03.1906
65Binder Johann, † at the age of 37, Stepanitz, (Štěpanice) , † 1937

Links to sources of further information

Digitized historical registry office -  CZ  DE
Wikipedia CS  CZ