Buried: Aussprung Theresia

This person is buried in the cemetery near the church of St. Maurice.
Unfortunately, we do not know the exact grave.

Basic information:

Last name:  Aussprung
Name:  Theresia
Maiden name:  Lang - Kundratitz Nr. 9
Date of death:  09.01.1947
Village:  Kundratitz Nr. 35 (Kundratice)
Other informations:  † at the age of 78


Report from the family archive Aussprung:

In 1946 the majority of the parishioners were evacuated. The parish was almost extinct. The last pastor, Johann Landwehr (1910-1974), left St. Maurenzen on Thursday September 12, 1946.

Holy masses were rarely read. The priests traveled a long way, coming from Unterreichstein (Rejštejn), Petrowitz (Petrovice) and Bergreichenstein (Kašperské Hory).

The innkeeper and master tailor Alois Aussprung (1901-1991) from Kundratitz wrote in his memoirs: “When my mother Theresia Aussprung, née Lang, died in January 1947, the church in St. Maurenzen was deserted. There was no longer a priest or a gravedigger. So I had to dig the grave in the frozen field of God with my daughter Maria. The priest came from Bergreichenstein and gave the last respects to the mother. She was buried in her native soil before we were resettled."

Priests and ministers are going through a difficult time, they are humiliated, denounced and slandered, but try to continue their work to the best of their ability.


Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: Aussprung Theresia (birth surname: Lang), Maria, Sepp und Theresia Aussprung
Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: Aussprung Theresia (birth surname: Lang), Maria, Sepp und Theresia Aussprung
Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: Inns Kundratitz Nr.9
Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: Death certificate Aussprung Theresia
Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: confirmation of funeral costs
Photo buried
Source: family archive Aussprung
Comment: bill for the carriage with the coachman for the funeral